Let's Start Now - It's Time To Talk Racism

This post is a little more special to me than all the other ones. This post is happening because of a tragedy that happened in my city. This event has made me question who I am as an individual, as a wife, mom and teacher. 

I was at (a different) Walmart when the shooting happened. I was grocery shopping with my husband and 2 year old. While we were shopping, my husband, who works for Walmart, ran into his old boss who informed him of everything that was happening at a different store in our city.
I would be lying to you if I told you I panicked. "I'm sure they're exaggerating" I told my husband as we were getting ready to pay. I was honestly more concerned about the meltdown my daughter was having over a family pack of Oreos that I refused to buy. 
When we got home 10 minutes later, I could not believe what I was hearing on the news. It just couldn't be, not in El Paso. Then I started receiving messages from family and friends, all checking on each other.
Thankful all my loved ones were ok.
Thankful my husband had the day off that day.
Thankful I was home in our safe place with my family.

But my heart was broken. It's hard to put into words how I felt. I felt like the dumbest person in the world for feeling that way. I didn't have loved ones affected by this, everyone was alright and yet I could not get over it. I cried alone many times, so many times. 
It was after many tears and moments of anger that I realized I had to do something. I don't have the power to change what has happened. But I do have the power to do something in my classroom. 
I don't want to see one of my students on the news in 20 years for something like this. 

In kindergarten is very difficult to talk about this. You obviously don't. So I decided to make more time for direct anti-racist talk during our morning meeting. We talk about acceptance, loving ourselves, our skin color, talking to others. Students are so ready to learn about all this.

The truth is that many times during these talks I have felt like I'm not the right person to be doing it because I'M NOT AN EXPERT. But one of my dear Insta friends once told me "if you wait until you're an expert you'll never start, start now."

So I invite you to do the same. Look closely at the books you're reading. Create meaningful discussions for your students that will touch their hearts. Make sure your message is so strong that it stays tattooed in their brains. Do not wait until you're an expert and you know all about the topic.
Keep learning, keep reading but start now. 

This week we read this wonderful book I am Rene the boy. It is about a boy who moves to the United States and is upset because a girl in his class has the same name. After lots of research Rene learns to be proud of his name. 

This is a great an easy way to start in your class. After reading, we talked about being proud of who we are and our name. We also used this sheet to write our names and create a self portrait. 
You can find it for free here. 

I really hope you accept my invitation to begin incorporating these lessons and topics in your classroom. It will make a difference!


Esponjas de pegamento

*Esta publicación contiene enlaces afiliados*

¿A alguien más le vuelven loca todos los problemas con las botellas de pegamento? A los niños se les olvida cerrarlas bien y se tapan, batallan para saber cuanto pegamento utilizar y terminas con papeles empapados en pegamento... por favor dime que no soy la única con este problema!! 

¿Has escuchado de las esponjas de pegamento?
¡Es una de las mejores cosas que he agregado a mi salón! No solo son fáciles de usar, pero también ayudan a que mis útiles (pegamento) duren más tiempo. 

Es muy sencillo hacerlas, de verdad!
- Moldes de plástico con tapadera: yo utilizo los que tienen forma cuadrada de Dollar Tree. Son parecidos a estos
- Pegamento
-Esponjas: Yo utilizo las más baratas que puedo encontrar. Generalmente las compro en Dollar Tree también. 

Coloca una esponja en cada molde. 
Vacía toda la botella de pegamento sobre la esponja.
Tapa los moldes y deja el pegamento reposar por un día. Al día siguiente tu esponja se verá algo parecida a esta:

Te recomiendo que de vez en cuando, agregues poca agua a los moldes para que el pegamento no se seque. 

Cuando los estudiantes quieran pegar algo, simplemente deben frotar el pedazo de papel sobre la esponja y ¡LISTO! 

Me encantaría escuchar si ya las empezaste a utilizar en tu salón. Escríbeme en Instagram o Facebook y cuéntame! 


Ellie la elefantita creativa - ¡Vamos a leer!

¡Vamos a leer! 
*Este artículo contiene enlaces afiliados*

Si tus alumnos son como los míos, todavía necesitan mucha practica en escribir una historia en secuencia. Me he dado cuenta que el uso de organizadores gráficos hace toda la diferencia porque les permite organizar sus ideas y los obliga a utilizar sus palabras (y el espacio para escribir) cuidadosamente. 

La historia de Ellie es una hermosa forma de repasar esta habilidad. Me encantó el mensaje y claro, la podemos utilizar para seguir practicando la secuencia. 
Este libro nos cuenta la historia de un zoológico que está a punto de cerrar. Todos los animales intentan hacer algo, utilizando sus talentos, para salvar su hogar.

Ellie tiene problemas encontrando su talento pero al final de la historia lo encuentra y logra salvar el zoológico. 
Puedes encontrar el libro aquí.
Puedes utilizar esta actividad junto con esta historia para que tus alumnos sean los mejores en escribir la secuencia de una historia.

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