The Day Before Christmas Break....

Twas the Night  Day Before Christmas... Break...

You all know that amazingly fun and EXHAUSTING day.  Students are crazy, we try to keep them busy while we make sure they're still learning right?  Kids are thinking about the holidays, candy, Santa Claus, toys... teachers are thinking about well, basically the same...holidays, candy... and sleep! haha 

Last week I felt like I was basically playing catch up. My teammates and I decided that it wasn't very smart to introduce any new topics during this week. We decided we would review and reteach skills that needed to be revisited.  I had a few topics that I didn't get a chance to cover like I wanted to so I knew this was my chance. I made a list of the topics I wanted to cover but I KNEW it had to be more fun and attractive than normal. I wanted the kids to have fun but I did'n't want to waste time. I needed this week to be as meaningful as possible! 

I decided to cover 2 very important skills that correlated to each other PERFECTLY: Character's Change + Adjectives + The Grinch = AWESOME PLAN!

We reviewed our adjectives all week. We thought of new words to use to describe people, things, places. I gotta tell you... teaching ELLs to describe objects is NOT easy. 

Then we read my all time favorite Christmas story

We described The Grinch and made a quick (and ugly) anchor chart to describe the Grinch at the beginning and end of the story. 

I know what you're thinking... umm... Spelling? haha The truth is that right now I'm not too worried about spelling or "tired"/"dead" words. My students are barely learning English and I think it's too soon to start focusing on that. I want them to try and be confident first before we start adding more vocabulary words.

We used these response books in Spanish to practice author's purpose. Just a quick and easy way to make sure those little ones don't forget what we've already covered! 

               Author's Purpose

And we finished by watching The Grinch during our Winter party. 

It was a very busy but awesome way to end the year!! 

Now I'm off to keep enjoying my very very SHORT Christmas Break! 

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